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1 University

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Week 10 - Discussion _Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context

Week 10 - Discussion _Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context

Q Just as a review, I'd like for you to remember and reflect on your personality and begin thinking in terms of the differences you and your host country might possess. Making notes will help you when it comes time to dig into your written research project, which I suspect many of you will work on over spring break. 1. Agreeableness and job performance have been correlated. Read the Case Incident: On the Costs of Being Nice and answer 5-14 through 5-16 but keep your answers short please! For the sake of time and repetitiveness, please look over the next Case: The Power of Quiet and make notes on how you would answer, but you are not required to submit those answers into DB, although you will need this info for your RP2 and the exam!. 2. R&J Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 in Adler to answer the following regarding cultural contingencies of decision making: Please answer questions 1 & 2 page 220 in Adler.

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In my personal opinion, it can be said that the employees would be getting some a choice which will help in understanding the major aspects of the employees in pursuing a leadership or management position. There has been no research where it states that the agreeable employees cannot be at the top level for performing the tasks. I have always believed that agreeable employees always perform better than the employees who are not provided with this opportunity.